Sunday, December 24

random entry that two people in the world will understand

good times on koh phangan
what you see:
Marcus, Martyn and myself....The Calm Before the Storm
what you didn't see:
the hedonistic smorgasbord that ensued where we feasted on the delicacies excavated from Marcus' nose

ah buckets and sleeping with Martyn in the sand under someone's bungalow with only a stolen bath mat on which to lay our leathered heads
thank you Martyn, for losing my wallet
i will always cherish that memory
so worth it

good times

Tuesday, July 4

Posing the Important Questions, Addressing the Hard Hitting Issues

Why is it that food designers think that an organized salad is an appetizing salad?

Sunday, July 2

CJ's the Art of Coffee and Dog Molestation

I love the smell of brewing coffee.
The way the house fills with yummy scents, as the pot fills with coffee.
I love freecycle and the freecyclers, who made my home coffee brewing possible.
I love not dealing with that snooty Quacks barista who is never friendly to me just because he has a "cool" shitty job.
I do miss riding my bike to get the coffee though, but I still ride my bike other places.
I love finally using my bunny coffee cup, compliments of Goodwill's dumpster.
Let's not forget the hovering coffee fairy, who blesses all who partake with the gifts of her vitality and alluring stench.
That was dumb. I just added it because of the above picture that I found.

I wish I could that I could say that I'm just feeling very loving in general this subjective morning, but I am not.
I hate the world, damn the man, dudes can't commit, girls are scandalous ho's, they put onions on my burger, I wasn't hugged enough as a child, the gays are threatening the American family.
But at least I have coffee, and all the accompanying accoutrements of wonder.

Put your bananas in the fridge. Yum! For real.

I am a little apprehensive abour writing this down, since plans are always so tentative, but I'm planning a 3 month solo trip to Southeast Asia in November.
Toni is invited, as is my friend Sara Lula, but they're both probably gonna flake out. See? Scandalous ho's.
I'm going to go to my aunt's house for tilapia and some sort of activity other than TV. I'm following your advice Toni. Sort of.
I'll probably love on the dogs, scratching their bellies, lowering my blood pressure, extending my life.
This is one of the dogs I will molester. Zweedle!

Tuesday, June 27


remember those days
walking to the
poorly stocked library
buying coffee
you had no money for
remember those days
stubborn haiku
from a moment

it's easy to look back
into the past
and think
"it's good"
it's good because it's easy
but it's easy because
it's over

all the time
spent reminiscing
those days not
while those days of
of not quite yet
shift into them

remembering those days
poems of the future
to the past
examining the rosy
colored time
that didn't last

then was now
now will be
where will i be
walking to the library
drinking coffee
i can't afford
suffering some new
for the suffer
of before

Monday, June 26


A Shorty...What do you think

She's sitting at a counter having a coffee. It is the color of a caramel chew. The stirring spoon, left in a bus bin. Each time she sips her tepid libation, she pinches her nose with her first finger and thumb.
Looking up from her book, through the window, directly infront of the counter at which she is sitting, she watches a girl in a floppy woven hat, standing on the pedals of her bike as it rolls by of it's own momentum. Noticing the four full racks in her field of vision, she thinks:
"Every body rides bikes here."
She had, in fact, ridden her bike there.

A too skinny, shirtless, surferesque guy, in flip flops and swimming trunks.
A kind of nerdy guy, with intellectual looking hair and glasses, Val Kilmer lips.
A jungle green car pulling into a parking spot in front of the cafe.
"That car's just like mine."
That car is yours.

See the key scratch down the side from that long ago drunken debacle.
See the dented front fender, the battle scar of a shopping cart war gone awry.
See him opening the driver side door, a glance and a smile to his right, locking the door, stepping out.
See her opening the passenger door, moving to get out, pulled back into place by the forgotten lap belt.
"My lap belt."
Yes, your lap belt.
They both chuckle.

She takes another sip of her quickly cooling coffee, the coagulating cream floating on the surface, creating the pattern of wind blown sand on a surface of a dune, floating down her throat, into her stomach, acid with acid, her nose left unplugged.
She doesn't notice.


I'm passing all y'all motherfuckers!

I seriously think this everytime I pass a "left lane for passing only" sign.

I swear.

I know....I'm cool.

Saturday, June 17

Cheese Curds...A Love Poem

what is it about cheese curds?

sometimes i think i should watch
what/how much i eat
maybe drop 5ish pounds.
all that somehow seems
to magically vanish
when it comes time to eat.

i just ate white rice
with miso dressing
and kraft mexican blend
cheese melted on it,
and then
about a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese.

what is it about cheese curds?

Thursday, March 30

Nuevo Blog

Since no one ever reads this blog, I am now writing here. You know, just in case some one stumbled upon this blog, and was mildly intrigued.