Wednesday, April 15


I'm going to a Roundrock Express game tonight!

Pictures and funny anecdotes to follow...

Tuesday, April 7

101X Grind Festival

I'm sorry. These pictures are in the opposite of chronological order.
They are in chronoillogical order.
Pretend you are time travelling and everything will be okay.

My horrific sun burn.

The mos beautiful thing I've ever seen polluting water.

This was absolutely necessary.

Through the ancient art of wizardry, Steve smashed his water bottle into this. Be very afraid.


Token campus photo.

That time when we were in jail. And you wonder why we're so hard...

Can any one say "supermodels"? I can.
Hello, Renaissance Festival, we found your tent...

I hail the crotch of the Lone Star!

Steve asked for my camera under the guise of taking a picture of Mel and me, but took this one instead. There's one for the mantle!

Steve playing with his thingy.

Who would spray tan in public where people like me can take a picture and stick it on their blog?

Wake boarding, sans wake. Should be called cable boarding.

Those kids were playing their rock-n-roll too darned loud! Jimminy Cricket!

I should be a sports photographer I am so awesome.

What else can I say besides yum-diddly.

I dunno.
Awesome trick! Wow! And his voice didn't even crack as he soared through the air...

Saturday, April 4

Something smells fishy...

I just made, and subsequently ate, sweet potatoes, swiss chard, and mahi mahi. First off, I am a master of sweet potatoes, so of course they were delicious. Second, you've never tasted swiss chard until you've had mine, cooked Asian style. Chances are, you've never had swiss chard any way. It's one of those highly nutritious, dense leafy greens that you find glistening in the produce section, that most Americans tend to avoid.
But not me. I gobble em up!
Now the mahi (I only say "mahi" once because it wasn't tasty enough to warrant saying twice)was a different story. In the collection of the many things I've tried and easily mastered or become enviably proficient at in my life, making fish is not included. It was meh.
And now my house smells like a dumpster at a fish market.


I still love Marilyn Manson.

Do you have a confession?

Wednesday, April 1

Another response to mystery commenter (you really should be reading these)

That was alot to swallow after having literally woken up 3 minutes ago.

But I'm not going to rip you a new one. Why would I retaliate against one of the few people who has read my entire blog and took enough time to write me a post-size comment?

The fact of the matter is, my life isn't precisely as I'd like it to be right now. I admit that.
I work at Kerbey Lane, which, as you correstly surmised, isn't what I'd like to call "my career". But to say that I didn't want to call my old job (if you've read my entire blog, you know what that was) "my career" would be even more true.
It is true that I'm not travelling now, and what travel plans I do have for the near future don't consist of a six month stint in South America. It is true that things aren't as carefree for me as they used to be. It is true that I've gained weight, due %95 to the fact that I no longer have my old job.
I'm in a period of paying my dues. Because yes, working when you want, drinking, spending the days at the greenbelt, saving money and travelling is a fun way to live life, but it's not going to get me where I really want to go.
I'm in school full time now. I work full time now. Does this make for an exciting life? Not so much. Is it necessary? Absolutely.
Some day I'd love to join the Peace Corps. You need a bachelors degree to do this. I'd love to write for a travel magazine, or a newspaper some day. You don't just need to travel to do this, you need an education and credentials.
I'm not going to school for a business degree or a computer science degree. I'm going for a degree in Journalism with a minor in Spanish, so I can acquire the knowledge I need to make those dreams my reality, not just temporary haituses between long periods of working in a club.
Can you imagine how easy it would be to go to school full time working until 2:30 every morning, and under the influence of certain people in that scene?
I'm not a person that was brought up with alot of discipline, so the answer to that question is, not very.

So maybe I have a boyfriend who doesn't like to read, and maybe he has a girlfriend who doesn't care about working on cars. These things aren't the only things you need from a relationship.
And incidently, my last boyfriend, with whom I had a great relationship, would read my blog (when I made him...even though he liked to read in general), and he didn't like it. He didn't like the way I wrote.
To be honest many of the people closest to me in my life don't read my blog: my best friend, my mom, my boyfriend, my sister.
So big frigging deal. Maybe I like it that way. Leaves me free to write about them unabashedly.

Maybe all of this is just a big justification. Jusitification and reason, there's a fine line between the two.

I just feel like I'm doing what I have to be doing right now. It's not very glamorous, but I'm 26 by now. I don't want to be working in bars and restaurants forever. I want to be able to accomplish the things that can make my life great, and not just 1/3 of it, while the other 2/3's I try and hide.

to the person who left a comment on the next to last post

Nicely written, but not exactly spot on.
A change of circumstances doesn't exactly equate to laziness or neglect.
Also, I'm not exactly sure how I've tried to cover my ailing lawn with distracting lawn ornaments.
And I certainly haven't installed a middle finger shaped pool. (Though, if there was a pool shaped like a finger, how would you be able to tell which one it was? I'm sure you meant "shaped like a hand giving the middle finger.")
I guess I'm misunderstood, even by my self, but especially by other people.

And really, I've never been too lazy to water my own lawn. Everything has its turn.

p.s. I really did enjoy the writing.

If you care to read the comment I'm writing about, and you haven't gleaned its location from the title, look at the post which begins "The grass is greener on the side you water."