Tuesday, April 7

101X Grind Festival

I'm sorry. These pictures are in the opposite of chronological order.
They are in chronoillogical order.
Pretend you are time travelling and everything will be okay.

My horrific sun burn.

The mos beautiful thing I've ever seen polluting water.

This was absolutely necessary.

Through the ancient art of wizardry, Steve smashed his water bottle into this. Be very afraid.


Token campus photo.

That time when we were in jail. And you wonder why we're so hard...

Can any one say "supermodels"? I can.
Hello, Renaissance Festival, we found your tent...

I hail the crotch of the Lone Star!

Steve asked for my camera under the guise of taking a picture of Mel and me, but took this one instead. There's one for the mantle!

Steve playing with his thingy.

Who would spray tan in public where people like me can take a picture and stick it on their blog?

Wake boarding, sans wake. Should be called cable boarding.

Those kids were playing their rock-n-roll too darned loud! Jimminy Cricket!

I should be a sports photographer I am so awesome.

What else can I say besides yum-diddly.

I dunno.
Awesome trick! Wow! And his voice didn't even crack as he soared through the air...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Candice now starring in the lead role of Lobster."

I have dwelt in a cubicle too long I'm sure I will burn quite badly the first day of sun I get.