Monday, July 25

The Flow

Why can’t I manage to keep all my writings together? I’ve been feeling I need to write for a while now, but some how my journal just hasn’t felt appropriate. Maybe it’s not that. Maybe it’s that I’m too lazy to write things out with my hand. Auntie wanted me to come into her room with her and now I can’t help but be constantly distracted by an episode of Friend’s I’ve already seen. So now I’m in the living room, at the counter that separates it from the kitchen, with some buttered bread and a cup of green tea.
I’m trying to get myself in the right frame of mind.

Something been coming up a lot lately. Feelings. Intuition. Hearing your heart speak. Listening.
When we were in Mexico, there were a couple of instances when I had a feeling about something, contrary to what my brain and plans were saying. I ignored those feelings, and found out after the fact, that I should have paid attention. They weren’t huge things. One, for example, was the morning, a couple of days before we were going to leave to come home, when we were supposed to go to this new beach, Borocho, to check it out and snorkel. I woke up feeling in a bad mood, like I didn’t want to go, even though I had wanted to the night before. But it was a sunny day, and we only had a few days left, which may not have been sunny, so I thought we had to go. My mood worsened and worsened as we got ready, but I didn’t acknowledge or say what I was feeling. When we got to the place we were renting snorkels from, the guy told us that he didn’t know how good the snorkeling would be because the water was high that day. But we rented and went anyway. And after paying the money for a cab that we found out later we didn’t actually need, and hiking down to the beach, we discovered that there was, not only no way we’d be able to snorkel, but we wouldn’t even want to swim there. The water was very turbulent. We ended up walking back to the beach we normally went to.
I should have listened. Not that this was a huge deal, but it could have been. If I can’t even listen to my feelings on small things, how can I listen when it will really matter? The more I ignore my feelings, the less likely they will be to speak to me. They’ll lose strength, as I am their only source of food, and I’m afraid, if ignored long enough, they’ll die.
I have to show them they’re needed and vital to me, because they are, by listening to them, and acting on what they tell me. Hurt feelings are not good. I’m hurting mine all the time. I know I’ve talked before about that little voice inside, when neglected, dying. I was referring to dreams, desires, and examples of people I know who have forsaken theirs in favor of “responsibility.” But that’s not the true inner voice. It’s just a small fraction. Your inner voice is those feelings. These things that speak to you, that can help you guide your life. To listen to this and to act on it is to be true to yourself. It’s not just about pursuing ideas that sound cool to your brain. It is so much deeper. If everyone were to listen to their voice, always, strengthen it, I think the world would fall into such a perfectly synchronous harmony. Such an intricate pattern, woven, not by the hands of our egos. A symphony conducted by inner voices, collectively, leading each person to where they need to be and when, guiding lives. I’m not talking about world peace in the Miss America sense of the term. I’m talking about the disarray this world is in, the dysfunction, the way it just doesn’t work while in the hands of all of man’s ego. I’m talking about the most fine and impossibly intricate machine...working. About every one being provided for, physically, emotionally, spiritually, in every way.
That little voice, it’s the voice of our higher selves. And all of those little voices are the voice of God. Not God personified, as a lot of people think of God. God, as in the All, as in the order that is the universe, no matter how disorderly or uncoordinated our feeble minds perceive it to be. There is a flow, like the wind currents of our planet, which is constant, and if gone along with, in perfect operation. But too often, we fight the current. We leave that perfect flow, because we think that we, with our limited brains, and our gluttonous egos, know what’s best for us, the right way to live.
But to listen to that voice inside, to feel our feelings and live by them, we give up our control. We are guided by something that knows all, because it is All. When we listen to that voice, we let go. We let go of that branch in the flowing river that we once hung on to so furiously, one finger at a time. And every time, our grip becomes just a little weaker, and life has us that much more. Until one day, we are led, we have no control, and we are living our lives as we need to be, not how we think we need to be. I finally understand, in this exact moment what it is to let go. I know what I need to do. I know how to live, and what I need to work on.

This reminds me of this part in Illusions when the messiah describes that what people perceive to be someone sent by god, someone to worship and follow, the messiah, is just some who has let go, and has, by the flow of the river of life, come to a place of people who are still holding on, and so they see him as coming from heaven, because they can’t imagine any other place than where they are, because they have never been able to let go and see. There is too much fear.

Talking with some members of my family, who are Jehovah’s Witnesses, I find myself, when on the topic of religion, theirs in particular, being antagonistic. Very antagonistic.
I argue vehemently, but calmly, about their beliefs, not because I think they’re wrong, but because I know they aren’t their own. It doesn’t bother me at all, in fact quite the opposite, that some one should believe something different from me, but it does bother me when people think that their beliefs are a matter of fact and reason, when they’re really, always, no matter the situation, a matter of faith. They even profess them to be a matter of faith, quoting the passage in the bible that says that faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain (Matthew 17:20), and then proceed to prove their beliefs with other bible passages and quotes their organization has managed to scrounge up from the few scientists who agree with them. And the absolute worst part to me is, these aren’t even their own ideas. They aren’t even their own interpretations about what the bible means. They can’t even listen to themselves when it comes to their own spirituality. What ever the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society (the Jehovah’s Witness organization) has to say on any given matter, the members of the religion take to be truth. Whatever the Jehovah’s Witness book called “Revelations”, a book interpreting Revelations, says about what something in the biblical book means, they believe, as though the book published by the WBT Society was also supposed to be inspired by God.
I hate to admit it, but it makes me feel a lot of disgust. Disgust and disbelief. They take whatever someone else thinks about life, spirituality, the bible, God, and go ahead and believe it unquestioningly. I don’t mean unquestioningly as in, they never researched it, or they weren’t intellectual enough about it. I mean, they never checked in with themselves. They never heard their hearts. They never thought to doubt it even for a second. They just closed their eyes, opened their proverbial mouths and swallowed.
And that is the problem with, not just Jehovah’s Witnesses, but all organized religion. It allows people to never have to concern themselves with it. They can shut up their hearts, turn off their minds, and be done with it.
This is a huge example of holding on I think. How are people supposed to live their lives as they should be, be true to themselves, if they can’t even think for themselves? If they can’t even decide for themselves whether or not to celebrate their birthday, have a blood transfusion, masturbate for chrissakes?
It’s really a little ridiculous that I should let it get to me. It usually doesn’t. I guess I just still feel strongly about it sometimes, having been raised with it, and having some of my family still going along with it. What got me on the whole topic, is yesterday morning, I was talking with my Aunt and her friend Tina about the whole business. My Aunt didn’t seem too much interested in talking about it. It really puts her instantly on the defensive. Tina was pretty open minded about it though. She told me about when she got saved when she was 8 and realized, when attending church for the first time, that that was what she wanted, she felt it, she started crying, and she believed. She believes, although she’s a Christian, that all roads, all spiritual ways, are different paths to the same thing, which is pretty unusual in my experience. She doesn’t try to prove her beliefs to any one, even herself, because she already knows in her heart. She has faith. She does like to study the bible, and different viewpoints on it, because she feels like she should be educated on her own beliefs. Very cool. Instant respect from me. Mad props.

Auntie’s birthday was yesterday. I made her a cake, which was okay, and some enchiladas, which were badass. The best ever.
I’ve been cooking a lot. I’ve made spicy orange chicken, peach cobbler, stuffed zucchini, all in the past few days. I love to cook. It kind of comes in phases. I won’t want to cook for a couple of months, but then, I just have to do it all the time.
It’s really interesting to me because, while I love to cook so much and feel that doing it is pretty vital to my life, it is in exact opposition to my love of the simple life, adventuring, spontaneity, wandering. Although, in regards to the simple life, I do have to say that some of the ingredients from each of the aforementioned dishes were found in a grocery store dumpster.

Oh the constant conflicting desires, the constant reevaluating of priorities. This is where my heart comes in. This is why I have to practice listening, and obey whenever I heat it speak. But whatever my destiny is, I do not want to be swayed by my own prejudices. I do not want to oppose what my heart says because I think something negative of where life seems to be leading me. For example, if life were leading me to buying a house, pursuing a career, having a kid, I don’t want to say no, because I am prejudiced against that way of life.
Enjoying cooking so much made me consider that last night? What if that’s where my life lead me, to living around family and friends, cooking all the time? Would I allow myself to do that? I think I am too attached to certain ideas of what I want my life to be, and too prejudiced to some. I don’t want that. I want to be completely open. Receptive. In the flow.

Monday, July 18

A Highly Evolved BuddhaChrist Hybrid

Today I am calm.
We are leaving Puerto Escondido in a few hours. My emotions are mixed.
I will miss the ocean, the very clean and lovely Pacific that slides onto these Mexican shores. I will miss it`s perfect temperature, it`s sharklessness. I will miss swimming alone at the end of the cove, god know`s what swimming beneath me, and feeling unafraid. For the first time of swimming alone in the ocean, unafraid. Feeling free even. Feeling held by her.
I will miss the quiet that comes over me, just looking out, the calm. Listening to the rythm of endless waves breaking, returning. Imagining the vastness, which I`m sure I can`t properly imagine. The grip it has on my heart. That feeling. I can`t quite understand it.
The ocean can change you. You can learn alot, you can learn everything from her, if you just sit beside her for a while, and listen.
Will I be able to live, landlocked again, now that I`ve understood this?
Maybe that is the feeling I get in my chest. A bit of my heart leaving, staying behind in those peaceful but powerful waters, waiting.
Maybe I`ve found a little piece of my place in the world. A clue.
So I am a little sad to leave. But I know I am leaving to find those other pieces. I am going to find my treasure.
Like they say, if you love something, let it go, and if it comes back, it was truly meant to be. So I have to let the ocean go, for a while. You can`t complete a puzzle with only one piece. And when I`m meant to, I`ll return, and there she`ll be.
In that way, I`m happy. For everything you leave behind, there is something new, and my "personal legend" awaits to unfold. And I know that all my Fatima`s will wait.
I just read The Alchemist again. Obviously.

So today I am calm.
Yesterday, I was not so calm.
Things were bad for James and I. There was alot of negativity. Something beautiful could have died.
But we cried and connected, and things are better now.
I learned that when two people who love each other, who are best friends, are each going through something, something that they have to go through themselves, something that will take them away from each other for a while, they have to be there for one another. They have to stay connected. They have to maintain and strengthen their bonds at that time, more than ever. I think that only when that happens, love can survive anything. Even if you can´t be together, be there. Don`t let it die, and don`t let the other be alone.
You know what I`m saying?
Maybe I`ll regret having written that for the whole world to read. Whatever.
I have no subscribers.

I`m kind of looking forward to this bus ride. This 40 hour bus ride.
Not because my best sleep is bus sleep. Now, I know this is hard to believe, but I actually sleep terribly on a bus. Crazy, huh? And also, not because I enjoy eating for each meal, bus terminal food, such as soggy tortas of cheese, one jalapeño, warm mayo, and a sad little piece of ham flavored processed meat food. Maybe my culinary sensibilities are a tad unrefined, I don`t know.
What I`m looking forward to is a time for reflection. Of few options for entertainment. I`ll probably write alot in my journal. And I always like that. I`m sure I`ll have a tremendous amount of epiphanies and personal revelations, which I`ll write about for hours, and then discuss with James, which will, in turn, lead to more revelations. I`ll probably be an entirely different person, a highly evolved BuddhaChrist hybrid of enlightenment, on arrival in Austin.
Forget the ocean and those cardial chunks of mine left to drift. I`m going for transcendence baby!
No, but really. I am looking forward to those long rides, those hours of no responsibility, when I can be left to dream.

If anyone is interested in seeing what I`ve been writing lately, click on the entry title for a link to my travel blog.

Saturday, July 16

Ramblings of a Bored Ex Snorkling Trier

Bored on a hot day in Puerto.
I just want to type it all away, but I don`t feel like I can face the pressures of a travel journal that people might actually read. So Ì`m typing here.
Toni`s leaving soon for Finland, just a day or two before I get back to the US, so i won`t get to talk to her on the Phone. Why did I capitalize phone? I`m leaving it, so you can get a little taste of how things are in my head. Woo hoo!

James and I tried to snorkle today, and it went terribly. I woke up with the feeling that it was going to work out terribly, and I didn`t want to go, but I ignored my feelings. So it was terrible. I don`t like snorkling. It sucks. I just like to be in the water, no crazy or fancy contraptions attached. Just me.
When will I ever be happy where I am? Will I ever be in the "right" place?
I just keep finding myself feeling eager to get home, to get started what I "need to be doing". But I know that when I get there I`ll only be eager to get to some other "right" place where I can do what I "need to be doing." When am i doning what I need to be doing? I`m always forgetting that I always am. It`s so had to be in the moment.
I suppose that`s the allure of weed. On some occasions, no matter how few and far between, you can get that feeling of total absorption in the moment, in whatever your doing. Usually I just feel paranoid, but I keep on truckin` none the less, looking for those ephemeral moments, tose slippery moments, of actually being present in my own life. I guess that`s the allure of drugs in general. Your mind becomes sharpened to a single point through which you can look at something. Not sharp in the normal meaning of the world. I would hardly call any stoner who can`t remember what they said 3 seconds ago, sharp.
But I have been there. I have made things, I have heard music, I have had sex, I have played games. And I was there, entirely, for each.
Always "chasing that dragon" as it were.
Whatever. I don`t want to type about drugs anymore. I don`t even want to think about them.
I just want to stop thinking about the future. Skimming over the now, I know there is so much that I`m not absorbing. At this rate, I will neve fill up this sponge. I will be constantly be thinking of and seeking the next bucket of water, when I always have a full one right in front of me. I will let my hand dangle over the edge of it, absent mindedly dipping the tiniest corner of my sponge in, as I day dream of the right bucket, that will fill my sponge the way it "needs to be", until water runs in streams down the side of the hand that holds it, after just one good submersion.
Talk about a run on sentence.
That`s the thing about writing. While I may not be accutely aware of everything around me, I am totally in the moment of what I`m writing. I`m thinking of nothing else. I am there. And who`s to define what`s appropriately " in the moment" for anyone else? Not you. Not even Buddha.
I guess it`s things that you can become lost in. That you can lose yourself in. If you are absorbed, it`s a kind of meditation. Your thoughts are gone, your ego, well I don`t know where the hell it is. Any thing that can do that for you. Except TV, and as much as I love them, books. They are just replacement realities, gossips, things of that sort, to involved.
It hurts me to say that about books. It really does.
I am a hopeless book addict, and I never hope to recover. I love to read. I love language, and I love to just let my self imagine someone elses world. And I learn new words.
But I don`t need to try and convince anyone of why reading is good. Everyone thinks it`s so good to do anyhow. Everyone "wishes they had more time to read", feels guilty because they don`t like it, because they spend more time watching TV. Reading, to a lot of people, is a sign of intelligence. But people don`t make the connection. Movies and books are just different degrees of the same things.
Reading is overglorified in our culture. But also it`s not.
A love of reading indicates, alot of times, a love of learning, a certain precociousness, and I suppose that does say something about intelligence. But wasn`t Einstein dyslexic? I doubt he loved to read. But no one denies his intelligence.
I`m sure it goes back to the beginning of the written word. Used to be that no one could read, except the educated, such ad priests and nobility. No wonder it`s still glorified so much. People who don`t read, maybe, somewhere deep in their psyche, relate themselves to the peasants, to the uneducated.
My uncle, for example, can`t spell "I`m", but he can build an entire house out of his head, no blueprints; he can rebuild old cars completely, improving them along the way, he can even do calculus. I`m not even sure if I just spelled calculus right.
So in a nut shell, people are all stupid.
I just got to rambling. I said I wanted to type.
But my internet time is up in 3 mintues, so I have to be done.
Peace out.

Friday, July 15

Thursday, July 14 here for what I`ve been writing.

I don`t have alot of time left in the hour that I`ve paid for at the internet cafè here in Puerto Escondido.
I haven`t posted in so long because I`m traveling and so I, naturally, have been posting on my travel blog (see link).
But this time I`ve had in Mexico has really given me alot of things to write about, taught me alot. These sort of things I don`t believe belong on a travel blog that sends out a notification, every time I post, to my family and friends. I`m not so sure how interested everyone is in being spammed with writings on my personal revelations and view points on the world.
So it will be here, unobtrusive, waiting, for whoever is interested.
We`ll be back home in about 9 days, and then I`ll get started.