Tuesday, September 6

Sometimes...(plus random photos)

Sometimes I get so tired of listening to my own bullshit.
I just read back over my post before last.
Sometimes I can sound so pompous.
But it's good to have your moments of pompousitude, and all other moments for that matter, recorded. It can really give you perspective.
It can really remind you that "this too shall pass," whether it's good or bad, it's not meant to last.
My life functions in currents, waves.
Sometimes I'm really in the swing of it. I'm thoughtful, metaphysical, spiritual. I'm changing, making progress. I'm getting shit done!
Sometimes (one of which was when I started this blog, hence the name "The Desperate Situation Of My Life"), everything feels very well FUCKED. And it's little cherry will ever after be just a brown stain on a sheet.
Sometimes I'm a stoner. No need to elaborate on that one.
Sometimes I am super creative. Whatever medium, I am Mrs. God, omnipotent weaver of things, haver of ideas, sculpter of curlicues, whisker of sauces. Whatever.
Sometimes I am a drinking, gossiping, x-doing, girly girl, idiot.
Sometimes I just am, floating around, living hand to mouth, not just financially, but completely. Those times may be the worst. Like feeding and watering myself, until I die.
Sometimes I have to be moving. Where ever I am is wrong. That's the wanderlust, and I have no illusions that I'll ever be rid of that.
But always, I am a booty shaking, "nigga" saying, wanksta.
But that's just how I roll.
I am 1/32 black, after all.

So I suppose I have to forgive my pompousitude. That's just how I was way back then, a month ago.

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