Friday, February 4

9:00 a.m.

Purple sweater, dirty teeth, dirty tongue, dirty gums.
Water for tea heating.
Stomach grumbling, (she's not a morning stomach).

I learned to crochet (single stitch) last night.
I made about 1/6 of a scarf with rough baby yellow, blud, and pink yarn.
Forget about the other 5/6's.

Harry is chasing James' shoelace around.
Harry is a cat.
This is normal.

I'm going to swim some laps in the Rockport outdoor heated public pool later.
Believe it or not, a pool does need to be heated in the Corpuc Christi area in Fabruary.
Nice typo. I'm leaving it.
Because isn't February just Fabulous?

Then, later, we're going to "town".
Which means Corpus Christi proper.
And I'll be getting real soft yarn. Oh yeah.
And then we'll see about 6/6 of a scarf.

Okay stomach!

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