Tuesday, July 15

Grilled Cheese and Music Reviews

I am eating a grilled cheese, muenster, which is seriously inferior to American cheese for this particular purpose if you can believe it. I am eating my sandwich in bed, spreading crumbs generously and without care in a gesture of support of utter hedonism. This is what living it up is like. Take notes.
I had this idea on my drive home from work which I think may either be genius or retarded. In the past, I’ve written several times either abstractly or directly about the impact a song makes on me, mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually. This is I feel a very honest thing to do, and will give someone a more real subjective report on a song, or any work of art for that matter, than a fancily constructed review that uses lingo, descriptions accessible only to the initiated, comparisons to other works that the reader may or may not heard of, and other such antics. This is a boring and sterile way of learning of something alive and expressive. Blah blah blah. My way is better. I write about how songs make me feel, in real time, so to speak.
So I was thinking, maybe I’ll start building a body of reviews of songs reviews, ala Candice style. Whatever song strikes my fancy or a reverberating chord, I will write honestly about it. When I have enough of them, I will submit them to places, and surely people will want to publish them because it is such a marvelous and unique idea.
I don’t know. I think it’s good.
Next stop on that train, I was thinking about how when you read reviews of albums and such, there are constantly references to the bands other works, or even other artist’s works. I don’t understand why each creative can’t be evaluated of it own accord, instead of in comparison to something else. How does this album measure up to the last? Who cares? It’s its own record, and it’s neither here nor there what the artist has done in the past. I guess this is just a manifestation of the fear of the new without the old attached to it for comfort. But what do I know? I’m just an uneducated slob with crumbs in her bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea; now follow up on it. Forward them to me as well. I'd love to read them.