Thursday, August 30

Curry is a spastic

Let me rephrase that. Curry is a sporadic spastic. She can accelerate to speeds topping 20 mph in our 300 square foot, heavily furnished living room. She does this for about 45 seconds, then stops abruptly, to stare meditatively, before ravishing her stuffing hemorrhaging Playboy bunny pillow.
It’s a vicious cycle.
If she does something out of the repetitive ordinary, I’ll report. Until then, I’m bored with her.
Although, right now, she’s engaged in her meditative stare, with said bunny pillow, dangling from her lower canine. The pillow is half her size. It’s funny.
She is so annoying to me today, I want to annihilate her, she’s been following me around everywhere, getting in my way as I’m trying to figure out where my things will go, wiping her wet nose on me, trying to take me out by kicking my leg pit with her surprisingly powerful paw.
Maybe I should get another dog for her to chew on, or even for reciprocal chewing, so she can leave me the frick alone. Plus she stinks like sweetly sour wet old dog vaj.
I prolly should wash her.


Unknown said...

It's just because she doesn't know the surroundings. You are the familiar.

John said...

I was wondering what that smell was.