Wednesday, October 31

A poll

After spending several hours playing Spanish homework catch up, I am slightly mentally depleted. Here is an unofficial poll:
Should you write on your blog for the sake of posting, even if your brain equals mashed bananas?
Here are your answer options:
1. Yes
2. No



GamblinSteve said...

Yes, because your mashed bananas are more entertaining than most. You could have just written today's blog in Spanish and killed two birds with one stone.

Unknown said...

If you are finding it hard to keep posting then yes. Keep the habit and it will become harder to break with time.

If you are blogging for you own sake and don't care what other people think do what ever the damn well you please.

Anonymous said...

Any blog from you is a good blog.

John said...

Claro que si, porque, no? Escritala en espanol. Queriamos saber "el posible" in espanol.

Anonymous said...

Mashed bananas can be an interesting subject. Go for it!