Tuesday, May 17

Acid Brain Rain

Barely awake, well fed, teeth, unbrushed.
Awake all last night with James' mom's foster baby, (Sergio for short).
I'm seriously rethinking ever having chldren.
Sergio wasn't even crying. He was just awake.
Obviously my resolve was never that strong.

I dreamt, when I finally slept, one of those epic, awesomely fantastical dreams that, according to waking memory, lasted the entire night. Or in my case, from 5 to 11 am.
The only thing I remember is my breast tissue being removed (cancer, I guess) and replaced with implants, the left one bigger than the right. I had a mild interest in the fact that I then knew what it was like to have breast implants, but beyond that, I was unphased by the whole thing.
A silly souvenir from a night of hard core dreaming...

I like hard core.
So pleasingly cheesy.

I guess I have nothing better to do from this point than to recount my day, and my day before.
I colored a picture of Zazu landing on a log from my Lion King coloring book last night.
It was excellent if I do say so myself. I felt a real sense of accomplishment.
The sky line...:::sigh:::...muy magnifique.

In really good blog's that I read, the authors choose one story, sometimes only slightly exceptional, and tell only that, primping, fluffing and elaborating it along the way.
Sometimes I get this, and I'll make a decent job of it.
Other times, this being one, I lack the mental focus, and capacity, to relate even only a couple of the events of my day in a mildly interesting fashion.
Today my brain feels like a wisp of cloud. Or a little rotten fart of smog. In either case, nothing palpably substantial. And nothing, to my knowlege, comes from brain clouds, or brain smog, besides brain rain, or worse, acid brain rain.
Now brain fog is another thing. I can't tell you how many pieces of esoteric stoner art I've made with a mean fog on the brain.

I'm rambling. While reading the above paragraph, one might not imagine that it's long enough to constitute rambling, but believe me, it took longer to write than you think.
No, not because of the fog. Because of the smog.
Yeah, poetry time!
I'm a real idiot.
On that note.....peace....

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