Wednesday, March 7

Someone please smash me in the face now

Whatever you do, if you don't love to have a constantly running, red, chafed nose hole, and a continuously watering eye ball which is also red and your eye lid is veiny and chapped from wiping, and also your voice sounds like a retarded cartoon rabbit, and also you can't hear very well because your ears are pressurized, which means you can't really hear your stupid voice which your friends are snickering at over dinner, and also you can barely taste your food, and if you don't like to be hopped up on Benadryl strips that make your tongue first taste like disgusting and then make it numb all while not working at all except at making you a space cadet fuck tard, then for the love sweet baby jesus, DO NOT MOVE TO AUSTIN!
P.S. What culinary genuis thought of putting the fries ON the burger!?! My heart is either welling with joy, or seizing up from arterial plaque. It's hard to say which.
I'm sure we figured this out from my last entry, but I love Boards of Canada. Seriously. we are engaged
Note: I am listening to BOC and also I'm drugged up so I have nothing in my brain to write about since my brain is actually melting into the snot that is pouring forth abuntantly from my facial orifices.

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