Sunday, January 16

Alone Day

Today is my day alone.
James is doing some dork HFS thing, and I spent almost 4 hours at the gym.
I don't exactly know.
I'm at the library again, and as my computer time ticks away, I am realizing that that's okay.
I didn't even really want to write on here anyway.
I'm doing it out of some ridiculous imaginary obligation.
I'm going to head over to Book People after this, maybe get some coffee, maybe a sweet, and wait for James, because that is where we are meeting.
I have to pee.
I'm going to have to work this week.
I am not thrilled about this.
By the way, my job, which usually I would try to be discreet about, is as a stripper.
Yep, there you go.
I'm feeling kind of blunt right now. Maybe too honest.
But I am really waiting for the day when some one asks me about what I do, and I don't cringe with dread.
Some day I won't be a stripper.
Who know's what I'll be then.
Maybe a diving instructer.
Mayeb a Grand Canyon rafting guide.
Maybe a National Geographic photographer.
Maybe a CPA.
Or maybe I'll stop, for real, identifying my self with what ever I have to do to make money.

"I can't afford to waste my time making money.".........Agassiz (or so I've heard)
I think I'll make a t-shirt.

1 comment:

John said...

Geez, you have to pee a lot. Maybe you should see a doctor.

-- Dr. J