Sunday, January 2

More on Truth and Illusion

"People are seperated from God by sin."
This is a quote from a book James was reading called Examine the Evidence, (which was anything but an examination of evidence), which caught my attention.
I think that it could more clearly be said, "People are seperated from god by the belief in the illusion that people are seperate from god."
So I guess, to me, to sin is to believe in illusion.

I've been talking alot about illusion and truth lately. I suppose that's because I've been thinking about illusion and truth alot lately.

I was talking to Toni one time, I think, about the ego being the only thing that seperates us from everything else, and that's only because it makes us believe that we are seperate from everything else.
So I guess, to me, the ego is a vehicle for "sin".

I'm weird.

Another quote:
"...only time stood between one face and another.".....Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
Maybe this doesn't make as much of an impression out of context, when you haven't read the book.
I won't try and explain.
You should read Siddhartha. It's one of my favorite books. I've read it 4 times. I will read it again.
(The quote is on pg. 150)

1 comment:

Candice said...

You should read Siddhartha again.
I've read it 3 times in the past 3 years, and it's gotten so much better and so much more meaningful to me each time.
It's so good.
I just read Steppenwolf about a month ago.
I loved it, because I could relate to it so much.
I don't know if you will relate to it in the same way.

About the language thing...
I don't know. I just woke up. I have to think about it.
I'll get back to you.

I just might try taking a speech hiatus.
I'll let you know how that works.

Is The World According to Garp a good movie? I read the book, and liked it alot, but haven't seen the movie.