Saturday, January 8

Austin to Mexico

Back in Austin now.
I was so apprehensive at first to come back. Back to the same things, same places, scared of falling into the same routine.
But now I am here and I'm excited, because although I could practically drive around Austin blindfolded, it is my favorite of the places I've lived.
I like it here. I think my problem is that I haven't been on a good long adventure in a year and a quarter.
So right now I am in Austin, and I'm liking that, and it is a stepping stone. I am trying to get out of Austin.
Here is the land of my opportunity. I am going to collect money, read some books, and work on becoming a stronger swimmer (for surfing), for the next month and a half. Then it's on to Mexico.
I am so excited about Mexico.
I am ready.
To wander for a couple months, surfing, learning spanish, meeting people, trying food, being dirty, probably getting the shits a couple of times.
Oh my god! I am at the library right now, and right as I was writing about getting diarrhea, I smelled this smell behind me. I truned around and saw a homeless person walking away from me, with a big shit stain on his/her pants. So gross!
Yeah.... Mexico....
I am ready to travel out of America. Seen too much of her. And I know that her soul and mine do not match. I will never feel at home with her people and I will never share the same desires with them. But my place is out there, and my people live there. Maybe. Maybe they're just pieces scattered throughout the planet, and it is my lot to collect them, wandering until I die.
Right there. That is a topic I want to elaborate on, alot. I'm not focused enough here, so I'll do it later.
Oh yes, Mexico.
I am in the door way to the rest of the world, looking out, ready to take my first step. But I'm taking baby steps. I've got my whole life, and I'm feeling very very happy now.
Mexico, here I come!

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