Friday, April 27

Compulsive Eaters Anonymous (Your secret's safe with us.)

In my post work, residue of smoke and sexual frustration removing shower last night, I accidentally washed all of the jotted ideas from my left hand on purpose. I just wanted to be clean of it all, but as a result, I’ve left myself orphaned to the Siberian wasteland of early morning idea desolation.

Don’t worry, I’ve devised a plan:
Since in the last two days, I’ve become inordinately fond of bullet points, here’s is a list of what I’m pretty sure was on my hand.

-Heart of Darkness (Wanna read it.)
-Something Wicked This Way Comes (Ditto.)
-Raunchy (this was a t-shirt idea, contrived while high and drunk. While I do believe that this word is highly under used, as a t-shirt slogan, on second thought, I reckon it falls into the annoyingly sassy “Brat/My boyfriend won’t care because he won’t know” classification of shirts worn by early adolescent girls who, despite any legal repercussions, you’d cream your pants to punch in the face.)
-Robo Man (This was another high/drunk thing, which I don’t recall the context of, so it was probably also a t-shirt idea. I am basically just a walking well of, mostly retarded, unmade t-shirts.)
-Little Monsters (Have you seen this fucking movie!?! I haven’t since I was roughly, I dunno, 10, maybe 12, but T-rust me, I do intend to see it again, and soon. Here’s a brief refresher: Monster world under bed, protagonist is taken into it, deceived into believing that it’s nice there, antagonist turns out to be bad (duh) with ill intent toward the protagonist. Good shit. Trust son, trust.)

That’s it. Maybe I’ll turn this into a blog composed entirely of bullet points listing words scribbled on my hand.
I know you just wet your panties.
Don’t be ashamed. So did I.

p.s. The bullets did not translate from Word. That, combined with me being too lazy to want to retype everything again, equals dashes instead of the bullets I profess to love so much.

I haven’t really written in about 2 weeks or maybe more (fuck you Embassy Suites) and now I suck at it, I’m going to put my head in an oven.


Anonymous said...

Ahh bullet points, the manifestation of laziness. Return to proper syntax immediately, it's far more alluring.

Anonymous said...

ok...I have a proclivity for the usage of dot dot dot to connect thoughts and to practically never end a sentence...sorry...and keep using the bullets if they work for you...if not, ditch them at will.

Other books to add to the list (if you give a shart (note: I was very impressed to see the shart reference and I was glad you didn't shart on me upon meeting):
Sophie's World - Philosophy that is both enjoyable and palatable.
Death in the Afternoon - In your travels, you may wish to see a bull-fight...if you see it without reading this book, you'll believe it to be a bloody and pointless spectacle...if you read the book (by Hemmingway) you'll likely believe it to be a bloody and somewhat pointless spectacle that has a definate design and intricacies to the entire ceremony which you will either find interesting and culturally enlightening...or you won't.

Heart of Darkness comment - Hmmmm...I had to read that book in High School...and it was torture...However one of my favorite (favourite for those with Queen's English language skills)movies of all time is Apocalypse Now and the Bio-Docu-Pic associated with it called Hearts of Darkness...I'd suggest renting the movies and suggest you snuggle up to watch them by the light of a fire that is fueled by the book itself.

Your writing style and tenacity is to be is your complete disregard for taboos in writing that others avoid (including myself)...One has to admire your bravery in forging ahead without worrying about literarily (is that a word?)stepping in "it" or about sticking your foot in your mouth by what you write in your blog (at all costs, try to avoid doing these in sequence...yuck). Keep up the good work.

If you want travel tips...let me know

Remember...Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia...stay on Isla Pescado at night during a full moon. For details, do a google search with "Doug Texas Nomad Uyuni" and I'm sure you'll find my old and dated webpage of my travels.

Best of luck you you in all things.

havemycake said...

i like how you talk about poop a lot. i like to tag blogs as "poop" as well. thanks for finding me in the big ole state of texas...