Monday, December 20

The Trip to Hobby Lobby and Other Stories of Suburban Houston Time Wasting

Today I took a trip to Hobby Lobby with my brother, Stephen.
Three people called him on the 15 minute drive there, (he's very popular).
His girlfriend, Hoda, who I talked to on the phone for around 2 minutes, told me that she was making homemade pizza with her cousins, when I first realized I was hungry.

You don't want to let me go too long hungry.

Hobby Lobby didn't have quite the selection of those unmentionable things that I needed to make James' gift that I was hoping for.
I walked around forever, retracing my steps several times, before settling on anything.
Apparently Stephen was also not having a very easy time finding the unmentionable things he needed to make Hoda's necklace.
(Okay, I guess they aren't unmentionable.)
And I have experience with bead necklace making.
I'm actually pretty good at it. I've quite an eye for color, if I do say so myself.

So, I helped him out with the blueprints for the necklace, some how, inadvertantly making him feel stupid for picking out not very well matching beads.
I only said that they looked like cheap little kid beads, so I just don't see how he......

So I apologized.
By then I'm starving, we're walking towards the cash register, and he picks up a pack of Mentos.
I tell him it's been a long time since I've had a Mento.
I ask for a pink one.
He says that he can't open the package until he's paid for it.
I tell him he can, as long as he doesn't rip the barcode.
So he decides to pop the package open with his thumb, as he'd seen the beastly overall wearing construction worker summoning woman do in the commercial.
He flips a lemon Mento on to the floor.
It breaks in half.
One piece lands near him, one, near neither of us.
I grab the farther half, blow on it, say, "Five second rule!" and eat it.
I don't even like lemon Mentos. I only like the pink ones.
This isn't one of my most shining moments.
This is why I shouldn't be allowed to get too hungry.
I get desperate.
Imagine where I could go from there...

So, I have $10.50 in quarters, and $1.00 in one dollar bills.
I don't want my brother to know this, because it is all the money I have, and I am slightly embarrassed, so I try and get him to go to a different register than me.
He won't go, so I do, and that part all worked out great, blah blah, it's not very interesting

Then we came home and I ate one piece of bread with alot of mustard and cheese.
I was still hungry, so I ate another slice of bread with alot of mustard and cheese.
And then I felt kind of silly for not just making a regular sandwich with two pieces of bread, alot of mustard, and cheese to begin with.

And now I'm here, writing this entry.
It feels just like that part in Spaceballs when Dark Helmet and his peeps decide to watch their copy of Spaceballs to see what Lone Star and his peeps are going to do later in the movie, and they fast forward it right to the spot where they're watching the movie, and they're just watching themselves doing what they're doing at that exact moment, on the screen.
Just like that.

I am taking a sip of homemade raspberry beer.
I am eavesdropping on my dad and aunt.
I am looking around the room trying to figure out what the next thing I'll say I'm doing will be.
Another sip of beer.
Looking at the ceiling fan.
Itching the inside of my nose...I swear it was just an itch.
Deciding to end this post.

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