Monday, March 30

"The grass is greener on the side you water."

I like that.

Except it's not really true. We're talking about the desirabiltity of that which you don't have...the unattainable.
I can set my sprinkler system for 6:30 both times around the clock, feed it miracle grow every day, heck, I could even play it classical music, but no matter how good my grass gets to looking, there's always going to be something I don't have that I want, that looks a hell of alot better than what I have, just because I don't have it.

(Successful) adages become adages because they're true. Come up with new ones, but leave the time tested alone. It's lasted for a reason, that reason being that it accurately portrays a facet of the human experience, regardless of what era it's used in.
Until we've all acheived Buddha nature, I think this one will apply.

Maybe this was just someone's nice way of telling me to stop complaining. They're probably right.
But I probably won't.

It's in my nature to be dissatisfied with my position. Accept it.

p.s. now's not a good time for losing weight

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i get it-

you successfully grew a beautiful lawn
but you were too lazy to water it

it began to develop unsightly dry patches
weeds and ant infestations

you bitched about it
blamed it on the weather
yet continued to neglect it

you were worried about what the neighbors would say
so you bought a bunch of lawn ornaments to distract them

you then realized that the lawn ornaments were not fooling anyone
and decided to rip up the lawn and build a swimming pool
shaped like a middle finger

in your front yard
