Saturday, March 28

I've been looking back through old pictures, and realizing that in alot of ways, I really miss the life I used to have.
I guess because I used to have a life.
I wouldn't want to go back to everything. Only parts of it.
I guess when you compare fun, carefree times with weighing 20 lbs more, sitting at home alone while your boyfriend drinks and smokes weed with his friends, having no life outside of work and school, oh and let's not forget, not being able to drink, the past is always going to sound better.
I had such fun taking Curry to Bull Creek with Tiffany, going to the green belt, dancing in front of the mirror, Spiderhouse, even going to work at night.
I wrote on my blog all the time. I wasn't doing any drugs. Just some drinking and some having fun.
I was saving money and I was going to South America for six months.
When I compare then with now, I get such a strong longing for the past.
I suppose the grass is always greener.

1 comment:


The grass is always greener on the side you water!
Maybe you should plan your next 6-month trip. Save some money and for god sakes, loose some weight.