Friday, March 27

I have so many "good" ideas for posts rolling around in my head, but for some reason I don't just sit down and stamp them out.

We had a hail storm here the day before yesterday, and I have a bunch of pictures and video to post, but they're on my laptop and I don't have a wireless router in my apartment, and so, there's my excuse for that one.

Also, I went to a Latin American restaurant last week called Cafe Colombia and took pictures of my food and wrote a whol review. Why don't I post this? The trouble of deciphering my own handwriting from my journal.

Also I had two funny thoughts while at work which I can't share yet because that will spoil them, but I don't feel emotionally ready to do them justice. They're not amazing thoughts or anything. I just know I can make them funny.

Okay enough being mysterious.

I have real writing to do... After breakfast.

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