Sunday, March 29


Why should I "consider using this is future posts" Mr. Martynez?
Because it's a good way to begin a sentance?
Or because to the observer my life has become something that would necessitate the more frequent usage of "sadly"?
Hopefully the first reason, or some other one.
It's a beautiful day and I don't want to adopt a "Negator" attitude today.

Would I become less a person if I went to church?
What if I went to a Buddhist temple or a mosque?
What do your answers tell you about your prejudices?


1 comment:

Martyn said...

You surprise me. I refer explicitly to the examples you gave in your blog post dated 15/03 and the use of "sadly" as a preposition to certain events.

Consider your quote:

"The point of my last trip was to be free and have fun, go with the flow and see what fate brought me"

You did that....and your trip unfolded accordingly. Hindsight is both wonderful and misleading. Perhaps if you had in fact devoted yourself to total cultural enrichment, we'd be seeing a different blog post about how you "sadly" missed out on the social aspect of travelling.

Your mindset and thoughts about travelling now are fine, and they happen to resonate with me (the word "bucket" will likely bring me out in a cold sweat) but, you shouldn't denigrate past experiences, especially those which you lived in a way of your choosing, and in line with your stated aspirations.

I don't quite understand the questions you pose, I can only summise that you thought I was taking an anti-cultural stance of sorts, which as I hope has been explained, is incorrect. Regardless, the answers to your questions are "No" and "No", but then again, "No" qould also be the answer to

"What if I went to a bar and got absolutely shitfaced" and
