Sunday, March 29

Martyn you are completely right.

If you'd like to know what Martyn was right about read this
and then read this

I'm terribly sorry but this page keeps loading with "errors" and therefore I cannot add links. So I guess you'll just have to quit being so goddamn lazy and do the old copy and paste.
Kick it old school.

It sometimes catches me completely off guard how, when I think I'm being insightful and thought provoking, I'm actually overlooking something so obvious as the complete misuse, not just in word, but in meaning, of the word "sadly".

Sadly shouldn't even be used in reference to the past. Take that as you'd like, we could argue, but I don't feel like proving you wrong with tireless rationale. (Aren't I presumptuous?)

I was always where I needed to be, travelling as I needed to be, and acting as I needed to be at the times I was doing those things. I couldn't have been any other way.

I guess that it's just easier to take whatever unfulfilled longings you have in the present, and kick your self in the ass for not taking the opportunity to do them in the past, instead of just looking for a way to bring those things to fruition in the future.

It's like my absurd regrets for not learning to play, say, the violin.
I used to have a violin. As a matter of fact, I had one for about 5 years. I stored it at my mom's house, attempted to play it once, and then let it collect dust. Now, is it fair for me to chide myself for not having learned to play it in that time?
Some may say yes, but they're stupid.
If it was right for me to learn to play the violin in that period, I would have done it then.

I'm babbling.

The point is, as it turns out, my reasoning is fallible. I know, I know, it's an utter shock to me too.

This time Martyn, my friend who I was never able engage in a philosophical discussion (or at least who never permitted me to subject him to the inane rambligns of my mind), has schooled me.

Well played sir.

(He must have taken a class or something...)

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